1、sql语句的语法不对:SELECT t.* FROM ( select broswer name,count(1) value,case when broswer ='Firefox' then '#FF00FF' when broswer ='IE' then '#FFFF00' else '#43CD80' end color from t_s_log group by broswer ) t
2、org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: PreparedStatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [select * from ( SELECT ID,msg_from as "from" ,msg_to as "to" ,msg_data as "data",create_date,type from jp_chat_message_his where msg_from=? and msg_to=? and type=? UNION ALL SELECT ID, msg_from as "from" ,msg_to as "to" ,msg_data as "data",create_date,type from jp_chat_message_his where msg_from=? and msg_to=? and type=? ORDER BY ID ASC) sel_tab00 limit 0,1000]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: LIMIT #,# syntax is not supported;这个分页也是mysql才支持的,pg不支持这种语法;
3、select * from t_s_depart where org_type = 1,org_type是字符串类型,这个写法mysql支持,pg不支持