以下是我的minidao的sql- select count(1) from (select techown_report.ID as ID,
- techown_report.name as apiname,
- t_s_base_user.realname as sale,
- techown_api.accountname as accountname,
- techown_customer.customershort as customershort,
- techown_api.price as price,
- industry.typename as industryclassification,
- account.typename as accounttype,
- billingway.typename as billingway,
- paymentway.typename as paymentway from techown_report
- LEFT JOIN techown_api on techown_report.name=techown_api.apiname
- LEFT JOIN techown_customer on techown_api.customerid=techown_customer.id
- LEFT JOIN t_s_base_user on t_s_base_user.username=techown_customer.sale
- LEFT JOIN (select t_s_type.typecode,t_s_type.typename from t_s_type LEFT JOIN t_s_typegroup on t_s_typegroup.ID=t_s_type.typegroupid where t_s_typegroup.typegroupcode='industry') as industry on techown_api.industryclassification=industry.typecode
- LEFT JOIN (select t_s_type.typecode,t_s_type.typename from t_s_type LEFT JOIN t_s_typegroup on t_s_typegroup.ID=t_s_type.typegroupid where t_s_typegroup.typegroupcode='account') as account on techown_api.accounttype=account.typecode
- LEFT JOIN (select t_s_type.typecode,t_s_type.typename from t_s_type LEFT JOIN t_s_typegroup on t_s_typegroup.ID=t_s_type.typegroupid where t_s_typegroup.typegroupcode='billingway') as billingway on techown_api.billingway=billingway.typecode
- LEFT JOIN (select t_s_type.typecode,t_s_type.typename from t_s_type LEFT JOIN t_s_typegroup on t_s_typegroup.ID=t_s_type.typegroupid where t_s_typegroup.typegroupcode='paymentway') as paymentway on techown_api.paymentway=paymentway.typecode
- where 1=1
- <#if accountname ?exists && accountname ?length gt 0>
- and accountname like :accountname
- </#if>
- <#if customershort ?exists && customershort ?length gt 0>
- and customershort like :customershort
- </#if>
- GROUP BY techown_report.name
- ORDER BY techown_report.name) m
复制代码 求优化方案。该如何做?